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Just another day. Looks like today is just going to be another ho-hum day, right? Wrong. There is no such thing as a ho-hum day when you consider that God is writing the story of your life every day and today is another part of that entire story. "Have I Got a Story for You" talks about how you have a starring role in that story. Hope you enjoy it.
With the vacation season upon us I thought it would be a good time to take a look at a little trick I learned from Zig Ziglar that
will help get you into the vacation mode. In fact, it will help you on any day of the year that you use it. It's called: "The Day Before Vacation Approach."
Communication is the key to any relationship. People can't read our minds we must tell them what we're thinking and how we feel. Then we expect them to do the same so we are on the same wave length. The One we really want to have a good relationship with is God. So, how do we communicate with our Creator? Read about how we do that in today's devotion: "The Thing about Prayer."
Have you ever come across a task that just seemed impossible to do? The deck was stacked against you. It was hard to figure a way to succeed. One man faced that situation and would not be defeated by it. "Against Overwhelming Odds" reveals the story and shows why we should never give up.
Is God really out to spoil our fun? Is the reason we don't get closer to Him, because we think the Big Guy in the Sky will eliminate a lot of those things we find enjoyable. Actually as we get closer to God we find that we enjoy life even more. You'll discover the rationale for that in "The Big Spoilsport in the Sky."
A typo can be a small thing or it can be major. A typo can change the meaning of a sentence, a paragraph or even an entire story. A typo can make a statement seem to be something completely different from what was intended. Today's devotion talks about the typos of life and how small things can have big consequences.
Today's devotion, "What's in a Word" is also the first devotion in the book "Monday Morning Devotions." It points out how important the words we use are and why we should be selective in choosing them.
Just as the football coach must have a plan for a game to be successful, God has a game plan for our lives. If we follow it
we will be a winner like the football team that executes the coach's plan. This devotion is chapter one in the book: Devotions for the Armchair Quarterback by Jim Crosby.
Think back to a really good day that you enjoyed. How did that day get underway? Now think about a really bad day, one of those no-good horrible ones. Recall how it got underway. Often the way our day starts determines how it ends. "A Great Start" addresses that issue and offers some suggestions.

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