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Weekly Devotions

Are there times in your life when you just feel like a failure? Discouragement sets in. It's hard to shake it off. There are some real positives associated with that when you move from the discouraging to the encouraging.
If you have ever been called a "dreamer" you will take that as a compliment after reading: "Hopes and Dreams."
God is constantly giving us gifts from his storehouse. Today's devotion concerns a very special gift that we might not have thought of as being a gift.
When faced with a decision-making situation do you most often find that you are a "whatever" or a "whatever-it-takes" person?
Wouldn't it be boring if you never had to worry about whether the decision you were making was right or wrong? You say, "Try me. I don't think it would be boring at all." Well, if you had unlimited resources" that would be the case. The good news is that you do have "Unlimited Resources."
Got a moment? It would be well-spent if you stopped to look around at the beauty of God's creation all around you. Especially revealing would be the songs of the birds that cheerfully serenade us.
You probably have known a person or two whose sole purpose in life seemed to be wrapped up in being a wet blanket. How do you deal with them? How do you keep from becoming a wet blanket yourself?
Fathers have various qualities. Many of these assets are ordinary ones, a few are unique. Today we're looking at a very special quaility possessed by certain people. Maybe you know a "Kid Magnet."
Legacy:"anything handed down." What will you hand down? How will you be remembered? What is your legacy? it or hate it we must deal with numbers and the
calculation of them in our lives. There is a way to make quantam leaps in the mathematical world. It is based on "Higher Math."

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