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Diamonds are everybody's friend. Who doesn't like diamonds?
Is there a diamond in your future? Yes! In fact there are diamonds awaiting discovery in your life now...acres of them!
What do you think of when you hear the term "Watch the Birdie?" Today's devotion has an interesting take on it.
Are you tough enough?
Working out is not limited to the gym, the track or aerobics class. There's a portion of the Bible that is an especially good place for a workout!
Faithfulness. There is no way to put a price tag on it. A faithful friend is a priceless treasure.
What if you had an opportunity to witness about your beliefs to millions of people at one time. Everyone was respectfully waiting to hear what you had to say. What would you say? Afterwards would it be clear that you were: "Coaching for God?"
"No doubt about it." Ever hear that phrase? Sure you have. You've probably used it yourself. But, there are some things we do have doubts about. Is that a good thing?
When is a boulder on the side of a mountain like your prayers? Could it be when both are at their angle of repose?
Praise! It's music to our ears. We love to be praised for the things we do. Often we deserve praise. But, there is someone who is more praiseworthy than we are.
If someone called you a relic would you be insulted? After all we associate relic with something that is old. But, a relic is old-good, not old-bad when it comes to the written word.

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