Ever wish you could change some things about yourself like your height, eye color, width of your feet or some other physical attribute? There is a reason that all of these physical properties and the mental ones, as well, are the way they are.
You know what you are supposed to do and you do it. Time to move on. Time to relax. Right? What if there is something else to do that is not your responsibility?
Surrender! It's a word that we really don't even want to think about. We may try to push it way in the back of our minds and to practically eliminate it from our vocabulary. But,is it a word that is prominent in the Bible? You might be surprised, as I was.
I'm sure you never start a task or a project and end up leaving it unfinished. But, in case you do, have done so in the past, or think there's a possiblity it might happen to you in the future here is a good devotion to consider.
The importance of time. Sometimes time can't pass fast enough to suit us. Often it seems to go by too quickly. So, why can't we be satisfied with time the way it is. After all time means nothing to God...or, does it?
Daily conversations. Sometimes we take them for granted. But, what if the one we're talking to really has something meaningful to convey? Will we catch on or will we treat it as another routine, mundane chat?
It doesn't feel good when we put our trust in someone or something and we get fooled does it? Sometimes we make an unwise decision and the outcome is unpleasant. Or maybe we make a decision based on research we've done or who we know or what contacts we have and we get fooled. Not good. But, God looks down on us when this happens and He will help us.
Sometimes we make excuses why we can't do something without even seeing if we can. We simply consider the negative possiblities and say "Yeah, but...We sure can miss out on lots of good things that God has in store for us by doing that.
Forebodings. Those feelings that something bad is going to happen! They can needlessly prey on our mind and impede our work. Taken to extreme they can wreck your plans, halt your progress and take all the fun out of life. But, God has a plan for all that.
Money plays an important role in our lives. But, how do we keep it in perspective? How do we maximize our financial pursuits without letting them control all we do? Let's see what the Bible has to say about all that in today's devotion.