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Weekly Devotions

Experienced any revoltin'developments lately? Nor sure if you have or even what they are? Enlightenment is on its way in this devotion by the same name. Fun and informative. Hope you enjoy today's devotion and have a great week.
Today's devotion poses an interesting question: "Have you heard from God lately?" Well...have you?
Something to smile about. Something to encourage you. Just a few of the things you'll come across in this week's devotion. "If God had a Refrigerator."
How many good moves do you have? Chess moves? Checkers? Football fakes? Moving from one house to another? Curious? Read on and discover something about yourself and your Creator.
Other-centeredness? What is is it? Why is it important? When is it important? What are some examples of it? All questions to be answered in this week's devotion.
Why do we do the things we really don't want to do when we could have chosen something else? Good question. Even the apostle Paul was puzzled by that question. Let's take a deeper look into this and get some help from one of today's great Christian writers.
Here's a topic we all have an interest in because it applies to all of us. There's some real food for thought in this devotion that will help us enjoy our lives more at any age.
Should you supersize your order? That's an easy one. Maybe you don't want more food. But, how about your life? We all want happiness and prosperity. So, we can supersize our lives or we can be content with the status quo. Which will it be?
This devotion is all about nothing! Hope you enjoy it!
Someone out there is watching us. Actually everybody out there is watching through the phenomenon of "Googling." Yes, Google is everywhere. It's hard to think of any information that can't be found on the Google internet site. But, long before Google someone else was watching over us and He still is.

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