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Someone out there is watching us. Actually everybody out there is watching through the phenomenon of "Googling." Yes, Google is everywhere. It's hard to think of any information that can't be found on the Google internet site. But, long before Google someone else was watching over us and He still is.
It's a great time of year. Spring has sprung. Lots of sunshine. Beautiful flowers everywhere. Sneezing (well, maybe not). And yes Baseball. Tis the season. Yes! Here are some thoughts about opening days in each of our lives.
The faster we go the more frustrated we get. At least that is sometimes the case. At other times we are not keeping up and we need to hurry. Is God telling you "not so fast" on a particular matter or do you need to step up the pace?
How's your attitude? If you have to ask "attitude about what?" then maybe your attitude could use a little adjustment. Maybe just a little tweaking or perhaps a major renovation. Your
"attitude can determine your altitude." That's not original, but it's very true.
"What's with the frown. Eat a sour pickle or something?" Maybe someone asked you that and caught you off guard. After all you weren't really in a bad mood or angry. Somehow you just forgot to tell your face. Interesting reading: "Your Choice."
Decision making. It goes better with God. We know that, so we are faithful to consult God in the decisions we make. When we do, things turn out good. But, then how about the next decision, do we remember to consult God then or caught up in our own success, do we venture out on our own? Interesting way to look at it: "A Rustling in the Trees."
In any successful venture much of the important work gets done, not in the glare of the spotlight or with a great amount of fanfare. Positive results come from work done "Behind the Scenes."
Birthdays are special days. People's attention gets focused on us, even if it's just for a little while. But, there is another reason that your birthday is special as you will read in: "Happy Happy Birthday."
"Will you be my Valentine?" How many times have you read that on cards, seen it on candy or on posters at this time of year. Ah yes, Valentine's Day. It's special. It's a great time to practice
"The Love Thing."
A Hotdog may be found in other places besides the table. You can find them in the ball park and not just at the concession stand. You can find them on the job. And they all go better with mustard. That's what we're talking about in today's devotion:

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