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Weekly Devotions

The view from the mountaintop is beautiful. It's getting there that can be tricky.
The Project. Brings up thoughts about how much work there is to be done, doesn't it. Here's a different view on projects.
Sometimes something that appears to make sense, doesn't. Or at least it is not the best solution.
Sometimes you just want to avoid the limelight and be inconspicuous.
Commitment: important word that describes an important action!
Craziness. It's all around us. But just how do we determine what is crazy and what is not?
Ever had your car refuse to move...stuck in the mud, won't crank, engine trouble, etc. Frustrating isn't it? Sometimes we have other problems in life that are just as perplexing. Let's examine possible solutions.
We are made for intimacy.
Waiting is hard. But, it is good too. Let's explore why that is.
How do you feel about approval? Foolish question. We all want approval, but it can get out of hand.

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