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Weekly Devotions

You have more strength than you realize.
Speed bumps mean "slow down, you are going to fast." But what do speed bumps in prayer mean?
You've heard the statement: "Just taking it one at a time." It's an important concept. Here's more!
When is a walk not just a walk? Let's talk about when a simple walk becomes transforms into a confident walk.
Decisive moments. They occur in every life. Sometimes they are obvious and require that a wise decision is made. At other times they simply sneak up on us.
So, we have a brand New Year ahead of us. A new chapter of your life story will be written. What will yours look like in 2018?
Now that we are no longer dreaming of a White Christmas, what is you dream for 2018?
Did you know that whatever your dream is it is dream within a dream?
Christmas memories are special. Here's my favorite.
God's blessings are never more evident than in the Christmas season. It can also be a time for change!
Intimacy. It's a concept that means different things to different people. It is a good thing. But, can we actually achieve intimacy with God?

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