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Weekly Devotions

The enemy is lurking out there. He stands ready to strike. With the doldrums of summer approaching he is a real threat.
We don't always go where we want to go. Consequently, we get frustrated when things don't turn out the way we want them to, even though we have only ourselves to blame. The Apostle Pual experienced the same thing and wrote about it.
God is at work in your life. That's a given. So, what part do you play in all of this?
Failing to fail is good, right? Not necessarily.
So what of you afraid of? Lots of things? Nothing? (I don't believe that). Let's take a close look at fear and how to combat it.
Can you actually make God. Yes, He smiles down on us often especially when we do the things thar are pleasing and in accordance with His plan for our life.
Urges. We all have them. Some good. Some not so good. Let's look at these a little closer.
What are your heart's desires and fondest goals. Let's think about them.
When do we "major in the minors? That is we get caught up in the little picky things that we miss out on God's big plans for us.
So just what are your feelings about God? Have you ever stopped to think about that. Ever really sat down and analyzed your relationship with the Him?

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