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This devotion is called a Gym for the Soul. You may have read it before. If so thanks for being with me for 10 years (or more). In 2017 it should resonate with the reader just as it did in 2007.
Love, Love, Love. We feel it, sing about, experience it, but do we practice it?
Growth spurts are something we are familiar with especially if we are blessed to have children. We closely watch them growing up and notice, at times , they grow more rapidly. We grown ups can experience growth spurts as well, in different ways.
Candle light. It just seems to put a different perspective on the things around us. Here' s another way of looking at candle light in terms of relationships and experiences.
What do you talk about when you talk to yourself.
Who do you trust? Who trusts you? Trust is a very important state of mind. It says a lot about your character.
When you start a task, any task, what should come first?
Another year behind us. Thank You, Lord that we are still here. As we eagerly look forward to 2017 and what the Lord has in store for us , here is an interesting way to approach things in this New Year.
Christmas 2016 is history. Time to look forward. And maybe it's time for a look in the mirror.
Christmas is special in so many different ways. First of all is our revisiting the birth of the Christ Child.
And then there are all the memories that we attach to Christmases past that come flooding into our minds at this joyful time of the year. Here is one of my favorite memories.

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