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Weekly Devotions

It's a familiar part of the Christmas Story. Let's go a little deeper and look into to find meaning that speaks to each of us.
It is one for the ages. The story of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens' Christmas Carol. What does it have to say to us today?
Didn't know that dissonance comes in different flavors? Not even sure what dissonance is? Read on!
Who are You? No, I mean who do you think you are and is that a correct assessment?
Calm down it's all gonna work out. How do I know? Because I've prayed about it.
Goodness and bigness. Can we aspire to both?
Today let's think about one of the great gifts that we all have and can't use too much!
Fear! Just the word itself triggers thoughts and emotions that are unpleasant when viewed in the wrong context. So let's look deeper into it and see what positives are there.
So what kind of a character are you? There's an inside answer to that question.
What does it really mean to sacrifice? Maybe not what we really think.

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