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Weekly Devotions

What to do that is the question. Actually it's a staple in our everyday life. We constantly have to figure out what to do in a wide variety of situations. Lets take a look at that .
Where to begin? How about at the beginning. To do that maybe you need to Rediscover Jesus.
Waiting. Seems like it is the bane of our existence, yet it can be a good thing. It really can.
Chess is a fascinating game. To play it well you must study each move and plan ahead. To some extent we are pawns in God's game of chess. To play it well requires Master strategy.
No Fear. Well there could be a song by that title or a clothing line by that name. But that's not what we are talking about today. We are looking at real, honest-to-goodness fear and how to deal with it.
OK this is a scary one. "Zombies." Are you scared yet? Read on and we will discover what the Bible says about Zombies.
How far away is God when you have troubles. Certainly not as far the "Galaxy far, far away."
Yes, there's a reason for everything. How do I know? The Bible tells me so in many different ways.
What mountain is standing in the way of your hopes and dreams in 2016?
Trust! A very important word. One that is good to consider as we begin a new Year.

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