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Weekly Devotions

How often do you just stop what you are doing and take a deep breath? There are many benefits to doing that.
What is waiting for us around the Bend. We don't usually know for sure. But we know the best way to get past the uncertainty.
When it comes to driving most of us prefer to be in control. Not necessarily when it' s car but when it is where our life is going. Here's something to consider.
Sometimes we get so far ahead ourselves in our planning for the future we just need to come
"Back to the Present."
Seek first...what? The things you consider most important are things you seek out.
Feeling guilty about something? It happens to everyone from time to time. Here are some thoughts for dealing with those uncomfortable guilt trips.
Ever been stuck in the mud. Not a good feeling. Exasperation sets in as those wheels keep
on spinning and you are going nowhere. Can happen in your car. Can happen in your life.
Reading the Bible is something we do, at times, on auto-pilot. Today, let's think about taking it beyond that and making it a part of our daily lives.
How concerned are we with what other people think when we make a decision?
Ah yes, the joys of childhood. But, even after we are old (er) we can experience childlike delight.

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