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Weekly Devotions

So it starts with faith and what's the next step. That's the question.
Patience is a hard thing to master. But, let's try.
Ever get preoccupied in thinking about something that you miss the things that are happening all around you at the moment. Sure, we all have fallen prey to the Preoccupied Mind.
Ever felt like you were being nudged into doing something and resisted? Ever tried to nudge someone else into doing something and they didn't do it? What about a nudge that worked? Today's devotion addresses all of those occasions.
Typos. Happen all the time. Usually it is no big deal and a typo is easily corrected without problems. But, a typo can, in some cases be a big deal.
High Hopes. We all have them. There is good cause to believe they will be realized.
Prepare yourself to receive some astounding information when you read this devotion. Could even be life-changing or re-arranging. Enjoy it.
Miracles. What are they and do they still occur today?
OK so let's talk about it. We may not agree, but that's all right. Just what is your view of God?
It's a simple bit of advice. Don't take your eye off the ball, but not always easy to do.

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