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Weekly Devotions

How often do you make God a part of your daily experiences? Good Question. Let's think about that one together.
Sometimes we fear that the good times we are having are going to end soon. We think they might be evened out by some bad things. What about that?
Planting a seed. It's a simple process. But the outcome of this effort is a little more complex.
How to turn an "unknown devotion' into a "known" devotion.
It's the Lenten Season. A time for making decisions.
Seems like a lot of the things I have read lately stress the importance of trust. Passing some of that information along in this devotion as we focus on the many areas in which trust plays a big role.
When you are driving down the road and come up on a sign that says "Detour Ahead" do you groan like I do? There are other detours in life that are equally frustrating. But, beware, Some of those may be Divine Detours.
If you take love out of the equation and leave everything----, all the experiences, plans, agendas, etc. in what would be the result
We should be the best cupbearer, but what is that? What does this mean? Probabalby a tearm from ancient times but how does it have relevance today?
Ever find it difficult to know what to say to God? Do your prayers fall into the same routine, saying the same things, prayer after prayer? Maybe this is a way to look at it.

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