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Weekly Devotions

Bouncing around, like a pinball, from one life event to another. That's the way it seems to go. But, have you considered and left time for "holy surprises?"
Ready or Not! Are you ready, that's the question. How to get ready is the answer in this devotion.
A New Year is upon us. What are your plans? Do they coincide with God's plans.
Gifts come in all shapes, sizes and costs. But, no matter the time or money it takes the gifts that are special are the ones that come from your heart.
Missing Christmas…is that possible? Maybe an answer can be found in the story of the Bethlehem Innkeeper.
What's it look like around your house these days? Well, it is that special time of year so things might look a little different around there than it does the rest of the year.
Joseph is an important part of the Christmas Story although, at times he could feel like the forgotten man!
When the word Jericho is said, most of us have the same initial thought. We think of its walls tumbling down. Here is a different way to think about it that brings the story home to us today in 2014.
Sometimes when someone has something to tell us we wonder if this story is going to be worth our time. Then, there are times when the reverse is true. Will they want to hear what we have to say. Let's look at both sides.
It's a special day. A day unlike any you can remember or will encounter again. It is a Gift-Wrapped Day!

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