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Weekly Devotions

Thinking is hard. Thinking is easy. Thinking is inevitable. With all of those being true it is easy to determine why we sometimes have "tangled thoughts."
Having the courage to undertake a large project or facing a very difficult decision is one thing. But, sometimes it takes courage to do the little things in life as well.
Do you sometimes feel like you are stuck in a wilderness of confusion and can't find your way out? The wilderness can be a good place to be for awhile, but ultimately better things lie on the other side.
Sometimes a whisper is all that is required to make things better!
"Fear of Failure!" A term that has become commonplace. We all will fail at certain things but failure does not have to shut us down.
What if people said, "Oh, Oh here comes trouble" by just hearing your name?
Tricky one here. It's about the way we talk. Words are important. They change things.
You know what you believe. But, do you stick to it? What kind of shape, overall, is your belief system in?
What do we talk about when we talk to God. Good question.
Don't you wish everyday would get off to a great start? Well…maybe they can.

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