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Weekly Devotions

Sometimes those barriers seem insurmountable. Can't go over, around, or through them. Think again! There is a way!
The catcher is valuable. Doesn't matter if he is a catcher of fish…baseballs…or life's problems.
Sometimes we can learn a lot from kids. In fact, Jesus expects us to.
Have you heard from God lately? How would you know if you had or had not? Let's explore that subject today.
The view from above the fray. It's a better view. Lots of mountain-top examples in God's word.
Risk taking can be troublesome. Should I risk it, or not? What if I fail? What if I succeed.? What are my chances?
Golfers beware. This is not about golf. Well, it could be but really that is not the purpose of the devotion. But, let the chips (shots) fall where they may. :)
When you have troubles (and we all do, don't we?) then you are looking for as quick a solution as possible. Today's devotion suggests a solution.
Shalom…we all know that it is a word that is translated to mean "peace." But, there is more
to it.
We all need light to see our way. But, how much light do we need?

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