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Weekly Devotions

I'm pretty sure you have ready he terms "binding and loosing" in the Bible. But what do they really mean and what are their implications for you and me?
Jerusalem. You've heard about it, but have you experienced it. You don't have to travel there to do so. Just open your Bible.
Failure is a fact of life. We are going to fail at some things some of the time. But there is a positive side to failure.
Are you standing on the curb watching the parade or are you in it. What if nobody was watching would there still be a parade?
We are all health conscious these days. Physically we know that a nutritious diet helps have better physical health. The right nutrients also help with our spiritual health.
OK we have to deal with it. Can't be ignored. The Dreaded "E" word.
We want it right now. Especially when we are in an uncomfortable situation that we would like to escape from or win out over. Could happen, but often we must wait.
Often it seems like life is one arduous trip through stormy seas after another, doesn't it? The way to make it through is to find a
reference point to lead you in the right direction, like the North Star has done for travelers for centuries, before GPS, of course.
What makes a good mystery? If you like to read mystery novels they must have an interesting plot that keeps you interested, puzzled and turning the pages. Today's topic is a mystery that keeps you involved and leads to a happy life and pleasant ending.
You can gaze at something or you can simply glance in that direction. There is an important distinction to be made here especially when it comes to daily living.

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