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Weekly Devotions

Sometimes you just gotta walk that walk to understand the plan.
What if a "Big Opportunity" even bigger than imagined comes your way? How will you handle it?
Today's devotion will show you what "not" to do so will understand how to handle prosperity.
Are you a person who doesn't like to ask for anything? Or do you have no problem at all asking for a favor? Doesn't matter. Either way God can accommodate you!
Would you know God's voice if He called you? Would it be a vocal call or would it come in some other way? Good questions!
Unusual title. Solid instructions
This devotion is about a Friend of God. Guess who that is?
Rhema is an interesting word. It will take on a special meaning for you after reading today's devotion.
Today's devotion deals with the new person you'll become when heeding the Apostle Paul's advice.
You are a living stone. Did you know that?
If you are an autograph collector or even if you aren't, here's some interesting information about an autograph you may not have even thought about.

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