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We need one another!
Put your thinking cap on. God three important questions to ask you.

Who has it better than you? Stop and think about it. Do they, really?
Everyone has a defining story. Are you in touch with yours.?
What's your assignment? Huh? What am I talking about? Well you do have an assignment and if you don't know what it is how can you complete it?
Everybody makes mistakes. What to do about it when you make one is the question.
Feel like you've been bounced around lately? Got the bumper car mentality that makes you want to bump back...hard? Well, maybe you didn't realize that "bumper car mentality" is addressed in the Bible.
We are all prone to making comparisons. Often we determine our own success or failure based on these comparisons. Not good!
Things are not always what they appeared to be on the surface. Then what?
Sometimes we take the small stuff for granted. Then we find out the importance of valuing every possession.

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