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Weekly Devotions

Ever felt like you needed just a little bit more______. Fill in the Blank
You are necessary. Yes You!
The Super Bowl. Is it the ultimate experience for players and fans. If something bad happens can something good come of it?
Book reading is becoming a thing of the past. Right? Wrong! Todays devotion will tell you why.
Sleep. We take it for granted until we don't get enough of it. But Sleepy Time is often the time when God does His best work.
As we begin 2013 it might be a good time to examine our mindset. Where is it most of the time.? Is it going in the right direction, on track to achieve all that we want to?
What's ahead for us in 2013? We'd all like to know. Or maybe we wouldn't. Anyway the best way to have a successful year
is to first have a good scouting report.
Are you on-call 24/7. Well, maybe not for your job, but you are always available in other ways and for that you will be rewarded
just like an unsuspecting group was many years ago.
You have a choice to make this Christmas. In fact, you have this choice to make every day!
Swaddling clothes. Now where have you read about them? What are they anyway? They played a role in history.

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