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Weekly Devotions

Skipping Christmas this year? That's absurd who would event attempt that?
Its the season of surprises. As with all surprises you will discover some are good and some are not so good. Let's talk about the good ones!
The term in today's devotion title is probably a familiar one to many of you. Let's dig a little and see if there is more to it than just an exclamation.
With kindness you can't go wrong!
Ever felt abandoned by God? No? Think hard now and then if you have or you haven't read this devotion anyway. I think it will be meaningful. Thanks.
Is it hard for you to be humble? Do you think you are being humble when you aren't? Do you simply not feel a need or see a use for humility? Well, that's enough of the questions. Let's take a look at some answers.
Ever experienced one of God's Delays. If so there was probably a good reason for it. But why did it occur? What should you do?
Prayer can be a frustrating experience at times. Those are the troubled times in which you don't feel like you are getting much needed answers to your prayers. Gosh, sometimes you wonder if those prayers are being heard at all.
Prayer. It is an amazing experience and it is available to you anytime.
Troubles everywhere. Ever felt lost in a sea of troubles and don't know wheich way to paddle to get out of them. Today's devotion has some advice to follow when in that kind of situation.

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