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Weekly Devotions

There are moments in our lives that are priceless and we wish they would never end. These are those gift wrapped moments that will live on in our memories long after there time has passed by us.
Listening! Is it a lost art? Is it important? Why talk about it, is anyone listening?
Are you ready to get tackled, wrestled to the ground or just simply make a smooth move on your way to pay dirt. It's all about carrying the ball in various stages of your life.
"E" could stand for "easy" but in this devotion that is not what it stands for. In fact, what it does stand for may not be easy but it is necessary. It is the "Dreaded 'E' word!
Playing off a popular song here's a devotion worth thinking about. Jesus said it was in the Gospel of Luke.
God is in your corner. He is the God of second chances. He is the God of increase and prosperity. The God of Hope. And best of all...when you are down and things aren't going well, remember He is the God of Comebacks.
Ever heard somebody say..."don't worry I've got your back." They mean they will protect you from attacks behind your back that you may not even be aware of until they strike you. That's what "But God..." is all about.
Good Old Murphy. He will strike again. But, when. You never know!
What are the best things in life. We'll attempt to answer that by looking at what they are not!
Invisibility is practically synonymous with mystery. What is unseen out there that affects our lives. Well, there is something that we, don't see, but feel everyday.

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