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Weekly Devotions

The Super Bowl was played before a record television audience. It doesn't matter if you like football or any sport for that matter or if you don't care if a game is ever played there are some lessons here for all of us.
Two great gifts that is what we have received. These represent examples of the power of giving.
Music. It comes in all shapes and sizes, i.e. all kinds. It is a universal means of communicating and one particularly suited to praise!
What are you seeking in life? We are all seeking something. Let's look into how we can seek at a deeper level!
Do you look like you know what you are talking about? Are you confident and knowledgeable but somehow this is not coming across. Could be your body language.
You have options. The ones you choose will go a long way toward determining how 2012 turns out for you!
Here it is a brand new year. What will you do with it? How will it turn out? What can you do to make sure it turns out right?
Light. Very Important! Sometimes we take it for granted. What can we learn about light that corresponds to the season?
One thing about Christmas that's for sure. There are a lot of memories attached to everyone's life.
Christmas will be here before you know it. As the song says: "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

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