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What really is important in life? Ever stop to think about that? The Apostle Paul did and he shares that with us today along with some contemporary ideas I have come up with.
Are we ever really content? Or is contentment just an illusion? Let's look more closely at that concept as we read about "The Shores of Contentment."
A desert is no fun place to be. If you are there you want to get through that place as soon as possible.
You are more beautiful than you know. Noticed that reads "are" not "can be." You already are it's just a matter of focus. And no this is not just a devotion for women. It fits everyone. Enjoy it.
It's that time of year again. Get ready, get set, get going! It's time to pick up the pace.
The word Yes is a good thing. It has lots of uplifting things attached to it, but none more satisfying than the Divine Yes!
Ever been just plain old worn out? Totally tired? I wondered is it because you are trying to do some things that you could get help with but...uh, don't want to relinquish control. After all if you do it you know it will come out like you want it.
Faith is a remarkable thing. A true gift from God. Sometimes it is the only thing we have to go by!
Sometimes it is good to look back as we move ahead. Which is a good thing if we don't bump into something by looking back. So, in thinking about just how our everyday relationship with God plays out i recalled this devotion from May 2005 which I thought would be fun to take a look at as we seek greater perspective on this subject.
If God made us in his image why do we often try to reverse that?

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