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Weekly Devotions

Somebody had a pretty good idea. But, who? And what was it? It's something that's very important to each of us.
How well do you present your ideas for consideration.? How important is that? Sometimes it makes all the difference in the world.
Losing something can be a very frustrating experience. How do you keep from doing that? How does it feel when you find something you lost? How can we look at this in a spiritual context and learn from it?
How we look. How we feel. How we act. Most of those things are all tied up in what we wear. But, I'm not talking about clothing only.
Here's a new one for you. Unless you know the excellent author John Ortberg or his wife you've probably never heard of The Maurice Chevalier Disease. It's worth investigating...
Doubters they are everywhere. So are the skeptics and the naysayers. Maybe you even have a doubt or two from time to time. Ever dwell in the Land of I Don't Know?
What would happen if you made God mad? Really mad? What about a little mad? What makes God mad anyway? Let's see if we can figure out some things so we can avoid them.
So you are offering up prayers, especially in difficult times and you are wondering...hoping... they are getting heard. Is God listening at that particular moment? Yes, no doubt about it.
The right cross. Sometimes when delivered with authority it can be a knockout punch. But, there is a defense against it.
Which direction is your life headed? Not sure? Maybe you need a GPS.

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