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Weekly Devotions

Ok so what have you done for me lately? Or maybe it should be what have you done for yourself? A lot depends on your approach and your expectations.
Who is this friend of God we will be talking about in today's devotion? It's someone you know very well!
In a slow down mode? Having a tough time pulling together all the loose ends? Maybe you could do with a little "defragging."
Ah yes, that old bugaboo...time. Never have enough of it. Seems like we are running out of time, going overtime, not on-time, whatever. But there is a right time and it'll be here.
Centering Prayer are you familiar with it? Many folks say it has changed their life. Also, a lot of them came to know about it through the teaching of "The Cowboy Monk."
Here's something for everyone. If you are a grandparent, will someday be one, never will be, or just know someone who is a grandparent. There are lessons to be learned from grandparenting that can help us all.
In what ways are your talents limited? Who sez so? What are you going to do about it?
Thinking back and looking forward there is one constant that sustains us, protects and leads us. "That's the Spirit."
Happy New Year! Days are passing us by already. Got your stopwatch out?
It was not the usual Christmas celebration. Please read "Framed in Black" to understand why!

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