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Weekly Devotions

A Masterpiece. Obviously that is something that stands out in any circumstance. What qualifies to be God's Masterpiece?
Interruptions. Who needs them? Who wants them? Is there anything positive about them? Well...,yes there could be.
Being Bold! There's a right time and a not-so-right time! Being intimidated? Never a right time!
Who are you, really? Sometimes we get judged by the things we do. Often we get beaten down the daily difficulties. But, there is encouragement in this devotion that you should hear.
Quick snappy replies. Thinking up something brilliant to say on the spot. Not always easy. Often necessary. Not always the best thing.
The 3-F's. What-in-the-world are they and why are they popping up here in a devotion. They are three things that can lead to a more enjoyable life.
If you are allergic to cats, like I am you certainly don't want to run into any fat cats. But, that's not the kind of cats we are talking about. Read on and learn about those unappealing fat cats.
It's the Big Decision. We face it every morning. "What to Wear?" Today's devotion can provide a little help with that.
With football season nearing we start thinking about the teams who will surge to the top and what will make them successful. It all starts with a plan. Sure they must have talent, but that talent has to execute long and short term plans. What about you? You have talent, but are you channeling it in the direction that follows a solid game plan?
Got some advice for you today from the wisest man who ever lived.

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