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Weekly Devotions

Make a plan and work that plan. Sound familiar. It's good advice whether you are applying it to life or pulling weeds.
What is a like-o-meter? Do you have one? If so, how is it programmed?
In any bookstore one type of book you'll see on the shelves is a cookbook. People love to eat and people love to cook (well some folks do). What you find in cookbooks, magazines, newspapers and in lots of other places is recipes. Following the recipe, in cooking, is important. It's also a good idea to have a recipe for success in other areas.
Hot weather has arrived en masse. Summertime is here with all the fun things that come with it...but, those lazy days can be a trap. Don't get snared.
Reading. It is a more integral part of our lives than we even realize. Reading is important and reading the right stuff is even more valuable. Reading matters.'s something we take for granted, but it is very important. Here' a different outlook on it.
Faith! A word of few letters, but big meaning. The Bible has lots to say about it!
It's tough. Understanding this God-thing. Just how do you figure God out? It ain't easy that's for sure. Today's devotion addresses that issue and questions if we can figure God out at all.
What is a spirited approach. Well, it's a surefire winner...a guarantee of success. the results are not always immediate. Sometimes they are. But, for the long haul it can't be beat.
Deep sighs. How often do you find yourself taking a deep breath and quickly expelling it? Ever thought about why you do that?

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