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Weekly Devotions

The Nemesis. Everybody has one. Who is yours?
Priorities. It's important to establish them. Even if they aren't written down or even thought of in any kind of rank order we still have priorities. So it's important to put "First Things First."
How can you recapture the initial enthusiasm you had when a project gets off track. Here's some information you might be able to use. It concerns "Coaching Yourself."
Hate is not a pretty word. But, nowadays it's being used in a different way by a certain set of people. Does it still mean the same thing?
What if God asked you to do something really small? Would you do it without question or would you wonder how a little adjustment could make a big difference?
His time or your time! Why not both. Today we share about God's Timing and how perfect it is even though it may sometimes seem otherwise.
Did you like to color with crayons when you were a kid? I did. I'm sure my parents liked it when I brought out the old coloring book. It was a way to settle me down. Wonder why that didn't work with my boys? Anyway, be thinking about your favorite crayon color as we open up this week's devotion.
Storms come and go. Some are more devastating than others. Each one takes its own toll on us. But, we survive because we know where our help comes from.
This too shall pass! Have you heard that before? Yeah, but it is hard to buy into that sometimes when experiencing problems. Today's devotion investigates that concept.
You gotta start somewhere. Are you a person who likes to make a big splash, come on strong, attract a lot of attention to what's going on. Or would you prefer a small beginning?

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