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Weekly Devotions

Let's all go to the movies! And while we are there let me tell you about reading the Bible Cinematically or finding a Moviegoers version of the Bible which may be a lot nearer to you than you think.
Stinkin' Thinkin.' Is that just normal thinking gone bad and begun to rot. Or is it a cae of taking the wrong fork in the road? If so, how do we find our way back and avoid getting lost the next time?
What is the best version of you or anybody? What do you use as a measuring stick to find the answer?
Okay winners---that's all of you---how did you do it? Oh, you say you don't win all the time. What's the old saying? "Win some, lose some." Or is it "you can't win 'em all?" Winning, consistently definitely presents some challenges.
Do you consider yourself a strong person? Would that be physical strength you are talking about? Or would your strengths lie elsewhere. Maybe both? OK, let's check it out in today's devotion.
Grandma's advice is always good. Today we look at advice that is still timely even though it was dispensed many years ago. Not only that it's Biblical.
How can you change the world around you. There is one word you can use more frequently that will do the trick.
What happens when you are trying hard to live up to someone's expectations. Do you get nervous and perform poorly because you are afraid to let them down and disappoint them? That's a difficult situation. But, how about God's expectations for us? Are they too lofty for us to fulfill?
Everything has a starting point. Sometimes we start out slow, other times we go fast. But, how you begin at the beginning and what you do thereafter is important.
As the New Year gets underway we are optimistic that it would be a good one. A key to that coming true is discussed in today's devotion.

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