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Weekly Devotions

It's that time of year again. As we recover from celebrating one very special holiday we're also preparing for another one. What to do after the celebration is our topic today.
What will you find in your stocking this Christmas? Will it be overflowing? Is it just hung up for show? Or will there be a stack of memories in it...or will you have an empty stocking?
Lights, lights everywhere. Big lights, small lights, twinkling, bubbling ones. Multi-colored...all white. What's up with all this? It's a celebration! One with quite a history behind it and a "bright" future ahead.
Is it in the stars? Can the answer be found there? Who is the star you admire most? Where and in what ways would you follow this star. Where wouldn't you go?
Good times just ahead. The holidays are upon us. You'll be faced with many choices because "It's Your Life."
What are you truly thankful for. This Thanksgiving Holiday would be a good time to stop assess and give thanks for all your blessings.
Special times. Times to celebrate. Those feel good moments in life. How do you celebrate them? With a High Five, of course.
Jesus! There is something about that name!
How do you picture God when you think about Him/Her? How do you communicate with the Divine One? Does He/She have a sense of humor?
No doubt about it. Unexpected things are going to happen in life. There's no way to predict when or how these will occur. But, you don't have to be defeated by them.

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