Did you like to color with crayons when you were a kid? I did. I'm sure my parents liked it when I brought out the old coloring book. It was a way to settle me down. Wonder why that didn't work with my boys? Anyway, be thinking about your favorite crayon color as we open up this week's devotion.
Storms come and go. Some are more devastating than others. Each one takes its own toll on us. But, we survive because we know where our help comes from.
This too shall pass! Have you heard that before? Yeah, but it is hard to buy into that sometimes when experiencing problems. Today's devotion investigates that concept.
You gotta start somewhere. Are you a person who likes to make a big splash, come on strong, attract a lot of attention to what's going on. Or would you prefer a small beginning?
Let's all go to the movies! And while we are there let me tell you about reading the Bible Cinematically or finding a Moviegoers version of the Bible which may be a lot nearer to you than you think.
Stinkin' Thinkin.' Is that just normal thinking gone bad and begun to rot. Or is it a cae of taking the wrong fork in the road? If so, how do we find our way back and avoid getting lost the next time?
What is the best version of you or anybody? What do you use as a measuring stick to find the answer?
Okay winners---that's all of you---how did you do it? Oh, you say you don't win all the time. What's the old saying? "Win some, lose some." Or is it "you can't win 'em all?" Winning, consistently definitely presents some challenges.
Do you consider yourself a strong person? Would that be physical strength you are talking about? Or would your strengths lie elsewhere. Maybe both? OK, let's check it out in today's devotion.
Grandma's advice is always good. Today we look at advice that is still timely even though it was dispensed many years ago. Not only that it's Biblical.