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Weekly Devotions

Here's something that you may be familiar with but haven't called it by the same name: "Pocket Time." But, in directing your attention to this valuable concept you might be able to manage time more efficiently and appreciate this gift more fully.
God Nods. Do you know what they are? Have you ever received one? How did you react?
Does finding God sometimes seem like a tricky deal? Let's talk about it.
Pure power. That's what I'm talking about. It's a resource available to you and you can use it anytime.
Looking ahead. That's good...sometimes. Can be bad, too. Are you "enjoying the now?"
Gonna get a little SOAP-y around here. We should be good and clean after 100 days of SOAP. Of course we get dirty again when we work, play and sweat, but SOAP will clean us right up!
Getting off the bench and into the game. It may be easier than you thing and you don't have to be athletic to do it, since this is not necessarily about sports.
What's on your agenda today? This week? How about taking a leap (of faith) without worrying about the safety net?
Are you carrying the ball or watching the ball carrier?
Ok, it's time. Time for what? That's what we are exploring today in the devotion originally entitled "It's Time Again" until I discovered I had already used that title before. Oh well, these are new and original ideas and I hope you enjoy them.

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