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Weekly Devotions

Ever have a problem letting God be God? And you admit it? :) Well, here's some practical information about doing that...just letting go so God can be God.
Ever felt like Humpty Dumpty? Ever taken a great fall and been faced with putting the pieces back together again?
Thinking about your life and how it unfolds day by day are you enjoying the ride as much as possible? Or do you feel like you are on a roller coaster and someone forgot to stop it?
Sure is a lot of noise out there. Is it too loud to hear a whisper or does it just take an extra measure of concentration to do that? Hearing that whisper may be one of the more important things you do this week!
We live in a world where the term "Superstar" gets thrown around about as often as standing ovations on Oscar night in Hollywood. What really constitutes being a superstar? Are there truly any around?
Telling the truth. It's a simple thing or is it? Is it a good thing to do or are
there exceptions>
Just drifting along. That can be enticing. Just put your mind in neutral, your agenda on hold and drift. Could be a bad thing, too. Today's devotion should provide a little clarification.
Here's a story to stimulate your thinking. A feel good story that you can make a part of your life.
Being a different person at the end of the day requires some mental activity. That's today's devotional topic.
The real deal or not? There is a lot in life that is appealing and looks like it will do the job, make you happy, grant you success. To determine if that's true you must go beneath the surface to determine if it is: "Solid oak or veneer."

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