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The Big 10. What comes to your mind when you hear that? A group of universities? Ten most watched TV shows? Ten best movies? Ten important events in history? the Ten Commandments? None of the above is the answer if you are wondering what this devotion is about.
Scales could refer to different things; even fish. But, the scales we are talking about today are the basics. Without mastering the basics it is hard, if not impossible, to master life.
This one is different. How many of you know what a YAH is? Read on and you'll find out and maybe it will stimulate your thinking.
How are things going in your prayer life? Do you feel like God sometimes ignores or refuses to hear a prayer? Read on!
Encouragement! We all need it. But, being encouraged to go back and finish unfinished business. May you haven't thought about that.
Hope springs eternal, but it sure has taken a beaten lately, hasn't it? Well, there are some wise people who see things a little bit differently than the naysayers who focus on negative stuff. Who do you want to believe?
Time is something that governs what we do. We can't do some of the things we want to do because there is not enough time. Today let's look at time in a slightly different perspective in "Pressed for Time."
We have just concluded one of the most meaningful weekends in any year. It has far reaching implications that touch every aspect of our lives all year around.
And the rains came...and they stayed and stayed. But, not as long as they did another time. There are lessons to be learned from both.
What are the important indicators in your life?. Okay, what is an indicator? It could
be very important. That's why this devotion is devoted to being aware of and following up on the indicators.

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