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Weekly Devotions

You don't have to like the sport of boxing to benefit from this devotion. It's not really about boxing matches between men. But, it does have some timely life lessons
that can redirect our thinking and help us in different areas.
This first devotion for 2009 will take you from the muck and mire of life's most trying times to the green places in God's creative plan for you.
As we stand on the edge of a brand new year what do you see when you examine your heart?
The Big Day is almost here. Christmas Day 2008 is when God's perfect timing
will meet, perhaps "collide" would be a better word, with our imperfect lives.
It's time to focus on the main event and why it is so special.
What is the greatest gift you've ever received? Makes you feel good just thinking about it doesn't it? Well, let's turn that around and think about the best gift you have given.
This Christmas there is something great "somewhere out there" for you. Maybe a little different look at the Christmas story will tell you why.
Walking is a good thing. It's healthy and stress-relieving. But, did you know it could be inspirational as well?
It's a great time of year. One for which we should give thanks. In fact, we have a day set aside for doing just that and...well, doing some other things, too.
What are you rushing around for? What do you really have to do? Let's explore some ideas in: "A Case of the Have-tos."
Okay, what is your fundamental attribution error score? Do you have many, just a few or do you even know what they are? I just found out and I'm passing the info along to tax...uh, bad stimulate your thinking.

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