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Weekly Devotions

Sometimes it is hard to find the resolve to continue a battle. Are there times when you've confronted a problem and thought "game over. No chance. No way!" Well, it really "ain't over 'til...."
Do you feel called to do something different with your life or are you comfortable with where you are? Either way today's devotion has a nice little story that will stimulate your thinking.
It could only happen in the movies! Well, not really, but that's one place where real life is sometimes acted out especially when it comes to The Love Dare.
You not only can be a winner, you are a winner. Today's devotion
tells you why!
You snooze, you lose. Although is doesn't seem that way when you turn back over and go to sleep on a Sunday morning. For reasons why that is not a good idea read today's devotion.
Sometimes it seems things are just going against us and we don't know why. It's probably because you have a "Formidable Foe" out there. But, don't worry. Our enemy has an even more powerful foe. One who will help us to stay centered and defeat evil.
Is God ever puzzled? Does He ever scratch His head and wonder about some of the things going on in His universe? Let's explore that idea in-"The Day God Scratched His Head."
Sometimes there are thing fundamental to success in sports that equate to life situations and encourage us to be fundamentally sound in our daily walk. Like the technique of "low pads win."
Its that time of year again! Football season has descended upon us. Some rejoice, some say, "oh no," some don't really care one way or another. It doesn't matter which category you are in there are valuable lessons to be learned that are both practical and scriptural.
Life goes on. It never retreats. Does it sometimes seem that it proceeds with a frustrating since of sameness? Do you worry that someday you'll look back and say, "I wish I had..." Even though there is no rewind button there is a way to practice "regret prevention."

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