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You wouldn't think a devotion with such a plain name as "The Wall" would contain valuable personal information for overcoming problems would you? Read on!
Some people love to talk. Some don't. Either way is okay. It takes all kinds of personalities to make up a world. But, "talk" has some valuable aspects which we will explore in today's devotion.
Things sure do look different from above. But, how can being up in the air help you get your life on track? Good question. For the answer learn about the Helicopter View.
Unhappiness as a gift? What's up with that? Actually taken in the proper context that might just be true. Let's look a little deeper into this concept.
Do you consider yourself a "go-to-guy/gal"? What does that mean anyway? Is it a God Thing, or not?
Is it time to make some changes? Gas prices are higher. Food and clothes cost more. Realistically, it just costs more to live the kind of life we aspire to, much less afford the one we are living now. Maybe it's time to think about "Abundance Denial."
Temptation! It poses a constant problem for everyone. How do we handle it? Is there a way to defeat it? Good questions. It ain't easy, but there are ways.
Need a little spark for your prayer time? Is your prayer life in a rut or could it stand a minor renovation or perhaps just some help in a dry spell? Here are some suggestions on how to get back onto the "praying field."
Are you a scorekeeper? Everybody is to some extent. While keeping score has its place. It has negative conotations when taken to extremes or used for the wrong purposes. Keeping score can also be a good thing.
So, what is "deferred hope" anyway? Is it good or bad? How does it change and what does it change into? Good questions. Read on and find out.

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