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Talk about a tasty topic, you can't beat biscuits for a title. Now what does that have to do with us and our spiritual life? Are biscuits actually mentioned in the Bible? a way they are.
"Keep the Faith," is a familiar term. But, how do you get faith? How much do you need? Where can it be found? It is really simpler than you might think.
Ever have a revelation of something and think. "So, now I know. Gosh, wonder why I didn't realize this before?" Sometimes God brings us along slowly.
An Early Easter. In 2008 Easter comes very early (March 23). Here's a little history about early Easters and the significance of the Holiday.
It is a powerful thing...this idea of being thankful. This becomes even stronger when you verbalize them.
Warning: Reading this devotion may make you hungry!
Movie lovers everywhere should enjoy reading "The Envelope Please."
Who knows, you may even gain some valuable insight into living out that dream you've always had.
What are you hoping for? Have those hopes been dashed on the rocks? Are they a barely flickering flame? Or do you still have high hopes for something big, perhaps even dramatic to occur in your life?
We know what a designated hitter in baseball is, but what is a designated hitter in life? Maybe a more important question is who is a designated hitter in life? Could it be someone you know or even you?
It's a frustrating thing. You do the opposite of what you really wanted to do. Then you try to figure out why in the world you did that. Don't worry, even the Apostle Paul had that problem. There is a solution.

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