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Weekly Devotions

To be considered "super" something must really stand out. It must be set apart and rise above all others in its class. This true in sports and other areas of life.
Even though we try to warn our kids not to break things, sometimes breaking something is a good thing to do. That is particularly true in breaking ground and breaking bread.
Do you know Mo? Old Mo is a valuable team member. In fact, Old Mo can determine whether you win or lose by changing things in your favor.
Ever wonder what's ahead for you tomorrow, this week, this year, the future? Sure you have. We all do. Today we talk about a little exercise that may help those dreams come true. Well, it could happen!
Starting off the New Year with a feeling of contentment wouldn't be bad would it? It could happen!
Sometimes even the smallest move can have the biggest obstacles to overcome. Here is one such story with implications for all of us.
How do you size up Christmas? There are lots of things to consider as we approach this season of good cheer!
Why write about August in December? Well, it's not "that" August.
Read on and find out what's going on!
Are you making progress on that Christmas gift list? Getting it whittled down? Not fast enough, huh? Well, here's a gift suggestion...sort of.
If you love to shop you should read this devotion. If you hate to shop you should read this devotion. Happy Shopping!

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