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Weekly Devotions

If you love the Thanksgiving Holiday like I do you'll enjoy reading a little history mixed with modern times in "Thank You Very Much." Happy Thanksgiving!
The games people play! Sometimes when the rules are changed interesting results come about. "Balloon Stomping" is a case in point.
Sometimes a delay can work in your favor. In football a delay of game means a penalty. In life delays can be frustrating, but favorable.
Sales make the world go around! Say what? Well, we are always selling something. Today's devotion elaborates on that and possibly presents some new and interesting ideas.
What qualifies as junk? Is the answer to this simply in the eye of the beholder?
Wise Guy...Wise Person. Is there a difference? You betcha, there is. Today, we're taking a look through wise eyes.
If we could see into the future would we like what we see? Yes and no. Some things we would like and some we probably wouldn't be happy about. So, how do we level the playing field?
How much of the daily stuff you do is significant and what is insignificant? What is the measuring stick for significance?
Some intereting thoughts here as we delve into an analysis of this subject.
Think about how people's eyes light up and a smile crosses their face when they receive a gift that is all nicely wrapped in pretty paper. There are ways to achieve the same effect by gift wrapping those special moments in life.
God's word can be studied in many different ways. Here's one that is a little unique. It involves studying the Bible by associating it with the game of football.

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