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Get ready here comes Fall or you may call it Autumn. Changes in weather. Changes in our lives in a changing World. Are you ready?
Strength covers many different areas and circumstances. Today we revisit a story of strength dating back about 2,052 years.
Ever experience a mood swing? Sure you have. Everybody has. Things are going along fine and suddenly something happens to put you in a bad mood...or maybe a good mood. That's what we're talking about today in: "Mood Swings."
It's that time of year again. The footballs will soon be flying through the air in stadiums all over America. But, first, Picture Day. How does this speak to us as Christians. We find out in today's devotion: "Picture Day Again."
Like a plague of locusts descending on us, sometimes it seems like a bag of troubles has been dumped on our heads. Trusting God by developing a restoration mentality will lead to better times.
Are there times in your life when you just feel like a failure? Discouragement sets in. It's hard to shake it off. There are some real positives associated with that when you move from the discouraging to the encouraging.
If you have ever been called a "dreamer" you will take that as a compliment after reading: "Hopes and Dreams."
God is constantly giving us gifts from his storehouse. Today's devotion concerns a very special gift that we might not have thought of as being a gift.
When faced with a decision-making situation do you most often find that you are a "whatever" or a "whatever-it-takes" person?
Wouldn't it be boring if you never had to worry about whether the decision you were making was right or wrong? You say, "Try me. I don't think it would be boring at all." Well, if you had unlimited resources" that would be the case. The good news is that you do have "Unlimited Resources."

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