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Are you one of those people who like to get a head start on everything, especially your Christmas shopping? An early start can be a very good thing. In fact it dates all the way back to the first Christmas.
There are some things that are so good that it only takes one. More would be even better, but just one is sufficient.
Okay, it's that day again. You know the one day we remember to give thanks for all we have. The Thanksgiving Holiday. But, there is something else that we can avail ourselves of every day and it provides good reason to have a continuous attitude of "Thankfulness."
Seems like everytime I think something is no big deal it becomes a big deal. Do you find that to be true in your life as well? If so, lets explore: "Small Flaws" together.
"Why were you there?" "Well, everybody has got to be somewhere!" Ever give that whimsical answer to that question? Just remember this. That place where you are is a special place.
Ever wish you could change some things about yourself like your height, eye color, width of your feet or some other physical attribute? There is a reason that all of these physical properties and the mental ones, as well, are the way they are.
You know what you are supposed to do and you do it. Time to move on. Time to relax. Right? What if there is something else to do that is not your responsibility?
Surrender! It's a word that we really don't even want to think about. We may try to push it way in the back of our minds and to practically eliminate it from our vocabulary. But,is it a word that is prominent in the Bible? You might be surprised, as I was.
I'm sure you never start a task or a project and end up leaving it unfinished. But, in case you do, have done so in the past, or think there's a possiblity it might happen to you in the future here is a good devotion to consider.
The importance of time. Sometimes time can't pass fast enough to suit us. Often it seems to go by too quickly. So, why can't we be satisfied with time the way it is. After all time means nothing to God...or, does it?

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