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Weekly Devotions

Daily conversations. Sometimes we take them for granted. But, what if the one we're talking to really has something meaningful to convey? Will we catch on or will we treat it as another routine, mundane chat?
It doesn't feel good when we put our trust in someone or something and we get fooled does it? Sometimes we make an unwise decision and the outcome is unpleasant. Or maybe we make a decision based on research we've done or who we know or what contacts we have and we get fooled. Not good. But, God looks down on us when this happens and He will help us.
Sometimes we make excuses why we can't do something without even seeing if we can. We simply consider the negative possiblities and say "Yeah, but...We sure can miss out on lots of good things that God has in store for us by doing that.
Forebodings. Those feelings that something bad is going to happen! They can needlessly prey on our mind and impede our work. Taken to extreme they can wreck your plans, halt your progress and take all the fun out of life. But, God has a plan for all that.
Money plays an important role in our lives. But, how do we keep it in perspective? How do we maximize our financial pursuits without letting them control all we do? Let's see what the Bible has to say about all that in today's devotion.
Waiting is never easy. We want to rush on to the next big adventure in life. But, today's devotion will give you a good rationale for waiting and maybe it won't be so difficult any more.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend. They are also jeweler's best friend. Maybe you've heard of a diamond in the rough. Well it's still a diamond,but it looks a lot better when placed against black velvet. Maybe you are a diamond in the rough and just need a little black velvet to bring out your inner beauty.
Sometimes our journey gets complicated by weeds, roots, branches, false clues, deception and a multitude of other distractions from the Enemy. All of these can be cleared out and our path made straight when we consult "The Way Maker."
We all are defeated in our efforts at times. But, are we really defeated? Is a defeat always what it seems? Your mindset will determine whether it is really a loss or just an opportunity for greatness.
Preparedness. It's something that's important in everything from getting ready for an approaching storm or to being at your best in a business appointment. To be ready you must: "Do the Due!"

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