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Weekly Devotions

Ever receive some important information and immediately call someone to pass it on? Of course you have. We all want to be bearer of news whether it is good or bad. It is a natural tendency to want to tell someone something they don't already know. That is not a new concept. It goes way back as you'll see in today's devotion" "News Travels Fast."
A forgotten figure in the Christmas Story? Well, Joseph isn't exactly ignored, but we don't always pay close attention to his role. There are a lot of interesting aspects of the personality of this remarkable man that we can learn from in today's devotion: "Joseph at Christmas."
We are all role models to someone. We may not even know who that person is, but our lives are being observed and our actions followed. Since that is true it would be good for us to be an example of a "Hero" or "Superhero." Food for thought on this first Monday after Thanksgiving.
There's hardly anything that can top a good book and there is nothing that can top The Good Book! Today's devotion points out some positives to book reading from a historical perspective. Enjoy, "Book Nut."
Ah yes, the old infamous "trials and tribulations." Experienced a few of those have you? Seem like every lane you get in is closed. You just can't make any progress? Now's the time to read: "Lane Closed."
Are you ready to tackle the hard job? We're talking about the critical work that has to be done. Nobody said this work would be easy, but it is important and it has to be done. The good news is you don't have to do it. It is being done for you! Read: "Tough Job, but Somebody's Got to do it."
You shouldn't have done that! What was she thinking? Why doesn't he change his approach? Negatives. Criticism. Judging others. It's all around us. Sure would be nice to hear some "Atta Boys"
wouldn't it? A little praise goes a long way and gets remarkable results as you will read in today's devotion.
Yes, it is what it is. But, what is it? Whatever it is it is something important and you'll find out what by reading today's devotion appropriately labeled: "It is what it is."
If you are a person who likes a lot of colors you'll like this devotion. It's about white! Confused? Well, there is more to white than you might think as you'll find out in "40 Shades of White."
At the end of the day do you feel like you didn't get enough done? Or do you feel exhausted because you tried to do too many things in alloted amount of time? Maybe a little lesson in "Multi-tasking" will help.

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