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Do you have the right stuff? How about not enough stuff? Or maybe you are like most of us, your stuff is taking over your life. It is an easy trap to fall into and one that is addressed in todays devotion: "Stuff!"
"Time marches on!" "Seems like this week just flew past." "Doesn't seem like it has been a year since that happened." Time is something we can't control but it is important to us. But, is time important to God? "Time Value" presents an interesting perspective on time.
The Lord has something in mind for you. Your time will come and great things will happen. But, you have to be prepared for that unique moment you have been chosen for. Will you be ready for that special "Time to Shine?"
Staying focused on the main thing is hard. This is especially true if you don't know what the main thing is. So, what is the main thing? Today's devotion should shed some light on that subject.
It is difficult at times to understand why bad things happen to us. When a devastating hurricane takes it's toll or personal misfortune comes along, how do we deal with it? What it all boils down to essentially is "A Question of Trust."
Heard from God lately? He's constantly trying to communicate with us. Maybe our approach to hearing what He has to say is not right? In "The Voice" we look at things that can throw us off track and how we can better hear what God has to say.
Pictures. They are great. Through pictures we can return to yester-year. We revisit happy times. Pictures are a connection to the past. Once God said to wipe out all the pictures. You'll find out what that was all about and when it was by reading today's devotion: "Picture Day"
The power of words. Sometimes even a seemingly harmless comment can spread like, uh...Kudzu. To find out how fast that is please read today's devotional---"Kudzu Konnection"
God has something planned for you. But, what? He has picked you to do something that only you, in your unique way and with you special personality can do. It is something to think and pray about. Maybe todays' devotion: "Singled Out" will help.
As summer's heat bears down on us it is easy to become irritable, even angry over little things. Even vacation trips, with all the heavy traffic on the roads, can become a source of irritation. Don't let it. God wants us to enjoy this wonderful life he has given us. "A Funny Thing" shows us that God enjoys a good laugh and we should too.

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