Traditions. Interesting how easily those develop. We do something once, enjoy it and then do it again next time. Pretty soon we've done it that way so much it becomes a tradition. Today's devotion talks about something you might not put in the "tradition" category. Hope you enjoy it.
As we look back on 2005 one of the events that stands in stark contrast to all others is Hurricane Katrina. We can only shake our heads and say why would God allow this to happen? "Focus" contains some ideas to consider.
Sometimes it seems that the actions of another person can adversely affect our lives in a way that we have no control over. But, we do have control as you'll read in "What about the other guy?"
Why do we dread the "E" word when its benefits are obvious? How many times have you read that a major role in preserving good health is associated with the "E" word? Today we address: "The Dreaded "E" Word.
Happy New Year. Today's devotion is about something that I hope you have in abundance in 2006: "Prosperity."
On the last Monday of the year should we be looking back and remembering or looking ahead with anticipation. A little of both, but mostly we should consider a: "New Beginning."
Ever receive some important information and immediately call someone to pass it on? Of course you have. We all want to be bearer of news whether it is good or bad. It is a natural tendency to want to tell someone something they don't already know. That is not a new concept. It goes way back as you'll see in today's devotion" "News Travels Fast."
A forgotten figure in the Christmas Story? Well, Joseph isn't exactly ignored, but we don't always pay close attention to his role. There are a lot of interesting aspects of the personality of this remarkable man that we can learn from in today's devotion: "Joseph at Christmas."
We are all role models to someone. We may not even know who that person is, but our lives are being observed and our actions followed. Since that is true it would be good for us to be an example of a "Hero" or "Superhero." Food for thought on this first Monday after Thanksgiving.
There's hardly anything that can top a good book and there is nothing that can top The Good Book! Today's devotion points out some positives to book reading from a historical perspective. Enjoy, "Book Nut."