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Don't Take it Back-May 16, 2022

When you pray and don't get an immediate answer from God what do you do? Take it back and try to solve it yourself while still praying about what you have asked of him. Are you showing faith if you do that or not?

Monday Morning Devotion-May 16, 2022

Don’t Take it Back

There was a man whose son was demon possessed, and he brought the son to Jesus saying.  It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him.  But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us! And Jesus said to him, ‘If you can?  All things are possible to him who believes.’   Mark 9:21-23 NASB

         There was a little boy with a broken wagon who asked his dad if he would fix it.  The dad said, “Yes I will,” but the little boy got impatient because his dad didn’t do it right away, so he took the wagon back.  A second time the boy took the wagon to his dad asking him to fix it, and again the dad said “Yes son, I will,” but the little boy wouldn’t wait so he took his wagon back once again.  The third time, the little boy asked his dad to fix his wagon and the dad said, “Son, I told you I would fix your wagon, but I can’t fix it when you keep taking it back, you have to leave it with me.” (

            This story hit home with me recently.  It tells me that God hears me.  He’s ready to help but it may not be immediate.  There could be any number of reasons that His help is not immediately forth coming.  If we don’t leave the problem with Him, if we just keep worrying about it or we keep bugging Him about it then it undermines our faith in His intention to help us. In fact, since our request has not received a solution, because we are impatient people, we might keep worrying and seeking ways to solve it ourselves.

            The father of the demon possessed son in our scripture reading today had a major problem that he had no idea how to deal with.  Obviously, he was worried and frustrated.  The reason he came to Jesus was because he had heard of the miracles he had performed.  Approaching Jesus was the right thing to do.  Phrasing his request the way he did was the wrong thing to do. 

            It was kind of like. “Hey since nothing else has worked I will understand if you can’t do something about this.  But I sure would be much obliged if you would try.”

      What kind of faith in the healing powers of Jesus does that show?  Do you read a bit of annoyance into Jesus’s reply?  He had every right to be put out with all the people who came pulling and tugging on him for help.

            Then, as the father changed his tune and said: ‘I do believe.”  Jesus rebuked the demon.  It left the boy, who was helped to his feet by Jesus.

            When his disciples witnessed that they were like: “Hey, how did you do that? We tried but we didn’t have any success.”

            Jesus told them that in that kind of difficult situation the solution was dependent on prayers.  The Life Application Bible says: “Prayer is the key that unlocks faith in our lives.  Effective prayer needs both an attitude---complete dependence---and an action---asking.  Prayer demonstrates our reliance on God as we humbly invite him to fill us with faith and power.  There is no substitute for prayer, especially in circumstances that seem impossible.”

            Apparently, the disciples had taken for granted the power that had been given to them or had come to believe it was inherent in them.  Lack of prayer seemed to indicate they had forgotten that their power over the demonic spirits was from Jesus. (NIV)

            What are some of the things that could stop or delay your prayers from being answered. I Googled that and got four answers:

            * Taking God for granted

            * Lacking Faith, Boldness and Expectancy

            * Not understanding the Heart of God

            * Giving up too Quickly

            One of the things I have found when I have prayed about an event or something coming up in the future, the best thing to do is to take it to the Lord in prayer and leave it there.  Stop worrying about.  Stop taking it back. 

            Usually what will happen in a situation like that, where you turn it completely over to Him, is that periodically He will send what I call “God Nods” your way.  Little bits of information or something will come your way, even though it is not directly related to what you originally prayed about, that will change your thinking or give you peace in that moment that all is going to work out.  Be patient and understand that God has heard your prayer.  Don’t be like the little boy who wanted his dad to fix his wagon and keep taking it back.

            Jesus said two things about prayer.  First of all don’t show off.  He called those people in the synagogues who prayed, loud and long as hypocrites.  He encourages us to pray in private, where it is just you and your Heavenly Father.

            Secondly, don’t use a bunch of meaningless words.  Don’t pull out the dictionary or thesaurus and craft a prayer full of fancy words or flowery phrases.  Just talk to God in a meaningful way. 

      Jesus said that prayer should be a private time between God and the worshipper.

      And then when you send your request to Him don’t take it back.  He’s got it and will work on it in a way that is best for you overall and in the long run.         


Prayer:  Father God we have faith and trust you, so we lift our prayers up to you alone.  Grant us the wisdom to understand that you are working on what is best for us and help us to be alert to any signals You send us along the way.    Amen!


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