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So, What Do You Think?-March 18, 2019

Thinking about what we are thinking can pay some real dividends.

Monday Morning Devotions-March 18, 2019


So, What Do You Think?


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.    Philippians 4:8 ESV


     So, what are you thinking?  Maybe you just said "Oh no.  Is this going to be a quiz?  I

want to get some answers, not have to come up with some."  I can understand that.  We have enough things that we have to figure out in our daily lives without having our thinking challenged in a devotion.  So, let's just think about thinking.    

            Thinking about thinking is not something we normally do.  Thoughts are flowing through our mind constantly.  Some reside there for a while and others just flow on through having no impact.  And yes there are those pesky thoughts that settle in our mind and we want to dispel them but they keep nagging us until we do something.  Annoying, aren't they?

            Sometimes we will receive information from others and our reply to it will be: "I hadn't even thought about that."

            When people ask what you are thinking if you don't believe your thoughts were really worth repeating you might answer "Oh nothing."  That is not the truth because we are never thinking about nothing.  There is something always on our mind.  Maybe not be any deep thoughts at the moment, but something is residing there.

            Of course, an- "oh, nothing" answer- could be interpreted, if not clarified, as "none of your business."  On second thought ---here we go more thinking required--- you might add…" nothing important.  Just the usual. My daily plans like what to cook for dinner, or the usual bit of trivia that finds its way into my mind."

            In many respects we become what we think.  If we are constantly thinking negative thoughts, then we will have unpleasant things continue to happen because it is easy to become fault-finders.  You know the type of person I'm referring to.  Not you or me, but someone who always finds something wrong in life.  They constantly complain or put-down events or opinions of others no matter how unimportant they might be.  Their thinking has become clouded by unhappiness or distress in their lives and that is reflected in their talk and actions.

            Instead of falling into the trap of letting negative thinking influence our actions in the wrong way,  there are certain things we can do to correct and redirect our thinking.

            Amy Morin, author of "13 things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" writes on  "The conversations you have with yourself have a direct impact on how you feel and how you behave.  If your self-talk is filled with self-doubt, harsh criticism and catastrophic predictions, you'll struggle to reach your goals." 

            Morin points out three ways to train your brain to think differently:

            1) Reframe your unhelpful thoughts: "Thinking things like "This will never work" or "I'm such an idiot.  I just ruined everything" isn't helpful. Negative predictions tend to turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.  And exaggeratedly negative thoughts prevent you from taking positive action. 

            The good news is, you can reply to unhelpful thoughts with more realistic statements.  When you think "No one is ever going to hire me", remind yourself, "If I keep working hard to look for jobs, I'll increase my chances of getting hired."

            2) Prove yourself wrong:  Our brain lies to you sometimes. So, when it tells you that you can't possibly get a promotion or that you'll never be able to lose 10 pounds, look at it as a challenge. 

Force yourself to take one more step after you think you're too exhausted to keep going. Or challenge yourself to keep applying for promotions despite your brain's insistence you won't land a new position.

Each time you successfully prove your negative predictions wrong, you'll train your brain to see yourself in a different light. Over time, your brain will start to view your limitations, as well as your capabilities, in a more accurate light.

           3)  Create a personal mantra: Take stock of your negative thought patterns. Do you call yourself names? Or do you talk yourself out of doing things where you might fail?

Then, develop a personal mantra that you can use to talk back to the negative messages. Repeating things like "Make it happen" or "Do your best" tunes out the negativity. And over time, you'll grow to believe those statements more than the unhealthy things you've been telling yourself.

`Morin adds: Just like any new skill, training your brain to think differently takes time. But the more you practice thinking realistically, the more mental muscle you'll build. In addition, your brain could undergo physical changes that will permanently help you think differently.

            Billy Graham offers help in conquering bad thoughts no matter whatever form they take.  He said that the best way is to fill your mind with God's truth.  Don't just empty your mind of bad thoughts but as you do fill it with good thoughts.  Making God's truth, as it is found in the Bible, a part of your life every day.

            Graham points out that memorizing certain verses of scripture as you do your daily reading provides good ammunition.  When negative thoughts bombard you, then you can call on verses of scripture to help you out.   Psalm 119:11 says "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

            There you have it.  Now what are you thinking?  Chances are it is something good.  The more positive and confident your thinking becomes the happier you will be as your success level takes off.   No more stinking-thinking.  Let the good thoughts bring about the good times.


Prayer:  Lord direct our every thought that we might live in a way that consistently honors you and expresses our gratitude for your many blessings.    Amen!












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