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The Dreaded E Word-March 3, 2014

OK we have to deal with it. Can't be ignored. The Dreaded "E" word.

Monday Morning Devotion-March 3, 2014

The Dreaded “E” Word

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

            Recently, I read a funny status update on Facebook that reminded me of this particular devotion that I wrote a couple of years ago.  I’ll share that FB item in a few minutes but first let’s revisit that 2012 devotion.

            Well, my new Ebook is out.  Monday Morning Devotions II made it on-line and the Kindle version of it is available at  As I was thinking about the book and the 52 devotions it includes, I thought this might be a good time to extract one of those and share it with you because this subject has been on my mind recently and I feel like the Lord is prompting me to share it with you.  So here it comes.  Get ready for the Dreaded “E” word.

     If there is one word that strikes fear into the hearts of a lot of folks as soon as they hear it, it’s the dreaded “E” word.  Just the mention of it gets the gray matter working full time, coming up with alternatives.  The excuses (no that isn’t the dreaded “E” word) start coming out.

            Why don’t you get started today?

            “Well, I’d like to get started today, but you see, I… uh…haven’t done the crossword puzzle yet.” 

            Lunch time would be a good time to work it in to your schedule.

             “I couldn’t do it at lunch there wouldn’t be enough time and of course, I’d get all hot and sweaty and have to change before I went back to work.” 

            Maybe in the evening after your work day is over.

             “Oh no I’m just too tired when I get home.  All I want to do is eat and relax.” 

            When would be a good time to get started? After Thanksgiving?

             “Not really, I’d just undo it all with Christmas and New Year’s eve Parties. I’ll just wait until next year.”

            Chances are good that when next year rolls around this person will have a fresh set of excuses as to why he or she can’t face the dreaded “E” word.  By now you have probably guessed that the dreaded “E” word is…EXERCISE!

            Here’s where I share the FB funny. 

                        One guy shouts:             What are we?

                        3 friends shout back:     Out of shape!

                        Guy:                              What do we want?

                        Friends:                        To start our diet and exercise!

                        Guy:                            When do we start?

                        Friends:                      On Monday!

                       Guy:                             Today is Monday!

                       Friends:                       Next Monday!                                     

            We all know that exercise is good for us. When done properly and regularly exercise can strengthen us.  It increases our stamina.  It helps us stay healthy.  It can improve your temperament, your attitude, your outlook on life.  Exercise can add years to your life. So, what is the big problem?  Why is it so hard to get started and after that to keep up a regular exercise routine?

            Well, for one thing it ain’t fun!  Now, some people will dispute this, but I think those with that mindset are far outnumbered by people on the opposite side of the fence.  Also, there are all kinds of things that can supersede or interfere with even the best intentions to exercise

            The Lovely Susette and I have threatened…uh, promised to get on a regular exercise program for years.  We know it’s what we need to do.  When we visited one of our favorite holiday spots, Amicalola Falls, (GA), the place where we got engaged, we vowed to get on an exercise routine.  We even copied down all the exercises at the different stops on the Fitness/Exercise Hiking Trail.  Then, I typed them up and the first day back home we bounced out of bed, did the exercises, then we went for a walk.  We felt great after that both physically and mentally.  The next day we had a conflict and couldn’t work out in the morning.  So we waited until the evening.  We were so tired that we didn’t enjoy it.  We tried lunch time, next.  Finally, our time for exercising got moved around so much we stopped doing it altogether for awhile. Shame on us!

            According to the experts “modest, regular exercise enables most people to live longer and better.” (Dr. Carol Hans and Diane Nelson, Iowa State University.) They contend that a regular exercise program provides head-to-toe benefits including: an improved sense of well-being; stronger more efficient heart-muscle; increased muscle strength and many other positive outcomes.

            So, I think we can agree that our physical health is important.  It affects all other aspects of our lives.  And the apostle Paul agreed with that.  He says that physical training has some value.  But, the thing that is even more important, according to Paul, than physical training and probably more neglected is spiritual training.

            Paul points out that physical training benefits us in our daily lives.  But, he says that spiritual training has not only daily or immediate benefits, but eternal ones as well.  Following up on Paul’s comments the NLT Bible says, “Are you in shape both physically and spiritually?  In our society much emphasis is placed on physical fitness, but spiritual health is even more important.  Our physical health is susceptible to disease and injury, but faith can sustain us through these kinds of tragedies.  To train ourselves to be godly, we must develop our faith by using our God-given abilities in the service of the church.  Are you developing your spiritual muscles?”

            But, the better our physical condition is, the more we can accomplish in spiritual areas as well.  No, I’m not saying we have to be in tip-top physical shape to work effectively in God’s Kingdom.  But, He has entrusted and equipped us with these earthly bodies.  We are expected to be good stewards of everything God has given us.  So, that means keeping our bodies as fine-tuned as possible.  Physical infirmities are going to happen at various times in life.  No one goes through a lifetime unscathed.  In fact, those who have very few physical difficulties to deal with earlier in life, often have the toughest time adjusting when the golden years take their toll on a person’s physical abilities.

            No, that is not an excuse not to exercise.  It is not a reason to say, “Well, I’m going to get old and not be able to do certain things anyway, why bother?”  Exercising will bring out the best in you in every aspect of your life.  Some people realize that much later in life and then embark on a crash course.  It’s kind of like not studying all semester, then staying up all night to cram for an exam.  It might work, but it would be much better if you had prepared all along the way.

            After The Lovely Susette and I moved into our new house we figured that moving to a new home was a good time to start some new things.  Positive things that would become part of a new routine and greatly benefit us.  Regular exercise is one of those things.  But, we didn’t wait ‘til we moved to do this because we know how easy it would be to get caught up in the move, put off exercising and never get around to it. 

            So, we went ahead and joined the new YMCA near the house and started exercising three times a week for three months before we moved.  Later we threw a little variety in as we started doing Yoga exercises, interspersed with light-weight lifing.  We mixedin morning walks and evening bike rides.

            Now we don’t do all of that everyday.  Sometimes we miss a day and we usually take Sunday off.  But we have enough choices to keep it interesting and we feel better on top of that.

( Current note-2014:  Recently we have practically dropped all of those effective exercises. Not Good! Why? I guess because it is easier not to do them that it is to do them.  We expect, yes, we will to return to a healthy routine.)


            We are determined to regain this routine. We know it’s the right thing to do and we will reap the benefits for years to come just as we continue to grow spiritually from daily Bible study and attending church regularly.

           Make the “E” word a positive one in your vocabulary.   You’ll be glad you did.

Monday Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the physical and mental attributes you have given to us.  Guide us in our efforts to maximize these abilities through consistent exercise. Lift us up when we waiver and put us back on the right track.   Amen!

***author’s note:  This would be a good week to start exercising or evaluate your exercise program.  When it comes to the “E” word, it’s all good, really.


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